Fearless Forecasts – Super Tuesday 2020

by admingene on March 3, 2020


March 3, 2020

This will be brief:  My best guesses for tonight’s (March 3,2020) Super Tuesday results.

ALABAMA:               Biden

ARKANSAS:              Biden

CALIFORNIA:           Sanders (but Biden will be closer than people have expected)

COLORADO:            Sanders

MAINE:                   Sanders

MASSACHUSETTS:    Sanders (though it could be Warren – probably close)

MINNESOTA:           Sanders (but fairly close with Biden)


OKLAHOMA:            Biden

TENNESSEE:            Biden

TEXAS:                   Biden (but close with Sanders)

UTAH:                    Sanders

VERMONT:              Sanders

VIRGINIA:               Biden

So there it is: 7 for Biden, 6  or 7 for Sanders and maybe 1 for Warren.  If I am grossly incorrect I will blame it all on fake news.


No Warren on the radar except for 1?
Nothing for Bloomberg at all?
Let’s see if you are right!

by Adam Reeves on March 3, 2020 at 6:19 pm. Reply #

Great job, Gene! You only missed Mass and Minn. Who knew?
But still you were 12 out of 14 correct!!
No need to blame the Fake News!

by Adam Reeves on March 4, 2020 at 12:17 pm. Reply #

Well said. Not sure I see Amy as VP. Hope all is well we are doing fine. Be safe

by Mike Schmidt on March 18, 2020 at 8:19 pm. Reply #

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